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This is where you will find recordings, choreography videos and other tools to help you with your at home practice. If there is anything not shown that you think will be helpful, let us know!
PPlease pick one of the songs below. We will want to hear you sing about 1 minute of the song. You will find the tracks below with vocals to help you learn the song. There are also tracks without the vocals to help you practice your performance.
Below you will also find two short scripts. We I’ll ask you which two characters you would like to be considered for but they may not be in one of these scripts. It’s okay! Just pick one! If we would like to see you read for a different part, we will ask you at the audition.
A singing audition is not mandatory, however, it does let us know who is ready for a lead or a featured solo.
Casting is always a challenge. Although everyone can't be a lead, we try to ensure everyone is featured and has their moment. Cast lists will be emailed before the second rehearsal.
PPlease pick one of the songs below. We will want to hear you sing about 1 minute of the song. You will find the tracks below with vocals to help you learn the song. There are also tracks without the vocals to help you practice your performance.
Below you will also find a hand full of short scripts. We I’ll ask you which two characters your would like to be considered for so please learn the scene with the characters you have picked. If your character is not in any of the scripts, please choose one. . If we would like to see you read for a different part, we will ask you at the audition.
A singing audition is not mandatory, however, it does let us know who is ready for a lead or a featured solo.
Junie B. Jones
Junie B. Jones is a spunky, intelligent girl who is starting the first grade as our show begins. Determined and a bit impulsive, Junie B. finds herself at the center of many classroom antics. Cast an experienced actor with a strong singing voice and excellent comedic timing. Your actor must be able to balance Junie B.'s charm and precociousness so the audience cheers for her right from the start.
Daddy is Junie B.’s encouraging father who always looks on the bright side. Look for an actor who can comfortably portray an adult figure in a world full of young school kids. Daddy sings a song with Junie B. and Mother, so find a performer with a nice voice who can portray Daddy’s kind heart.
Mother is Junie B.’s no-nonsense mom. She can be tough on Junie B., but it is all out of love. As with Daddy, find a performer who can play a more mature person. Mother is a perfect role for someone with a good voice who can portray a supportive parent.
Lucille is Junie B.’s former best friend who has moved on to new friendships. Poised, put together, and probably a bit spoiled, Lucille controls and plans everything she does – quite the opposite of Junie B.’s bold impulsiveness. Cast a strong singer and confident actor in this role.
Camille and Chenille
Lucille’s new best friends, Camille and Chenille are twins. Just like Lucille, they are well dressed and very composed. These two roles are great for performers with bright energy who are also good singers.
Grace is another one of Junie B.’s former best friends. She is not as calculated as Lucille, she has simply made new friends apart from Junie B. This is a perfect role for a young performer who can portray a kind and laid-back character and has a good voice.
Mr. Woo
Mr. Woo is the supervisor on the school bus. This featured role is great for an actor with a commanding speaking voice as he is in charge of corralling the Kids on Bus.
Bobbi Jean Piper
Bobbi Jean Piper is Grace’s new friend. Bobbi Jean happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and unintentionally ends up on Junie B.’s bad side. This is a nice cameo role for a new performer.
Herb is Junie B.’s new best friend. An endlessly kind and charming little boy, Herb easily balances out Junie B.’s more demanding side. Find a performer who has great chemistry with Junie B. Herb should be one of your stronger singers and a very likable actor.
May is the teacher’s pet. Eager to prove her brilliance, May does not prioritize making friends with any of her classmates, and they do not mind. Cast a performer who can tap into the humor and confidence of this vibrant role.
Lennie and José
Lennie and José are classmates and friends of Junie B. and Herb. These two roles are good features for actors with good energy and nice voices.
Mr. Scary
Mr. Scary is the Room One teacher. Unlike his name suggests, Mr. Scary is a supportive and encouraging teacher. This is a perfect role to showcase a mature and energetic actor. Though he has a few short singing lines, they could easily be spoken if the actor isn’t a strong singer.
SHELDON is definitely not the most popular kid in class. Plagued by a myriad of allergies and a general clumsiness, Sheldon’s good intentions often end in disaster. Cast a great singer who can bring out the nerdy charm in this endearing role.
Mrs. Gutzman
Mrs. Gutzman is the sweet old lunch lady, revered by all of the School Kids. Cast a mature performer who can capture her warm, grandmotherly nature. Mrs. Gutzman does not have to sing, so this is a great opportunity for a strong actor.
The Ensemble consists of Tickle the dog, the School Kids, Lunch Student 1, Kids on Bus, Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, Student 4, Student 5, Lunch Server and Cheerleaders. These are great roles for anyone who wants to be involved in the production!
Casting is always a challenge. Although everyone can't be a lead, we try to ensure everyone is featured and has their moment. Cast lists will be emailed before the second rehearsal.
Please be familiar with all of the scripts. We will be asking everyone to read for as many characters as possible. If you don’t see the character you want to audition for, don’t worry! We will discuss it during the auditions.
Please pick one of the songs below. We will want to hear you sing about 1 minute of the song. You will find the tracks below with vocals to help you learn the song. There are also tracks without the vocals (Coming Soon) to help you practice your performance.
Below you will also find a hand full of short scripts. We I’ll ask you which two characters your would like to be considered for so please learn the scene with the characters you have picked. If your character is not in any of the scripts, please choose one. . If we would like to see you read for a different part, we will ask you at the audition.
A singing audition is not mandatory, however, it does let us know who is ready for a lead or a featured solo.
Lydia Deetz
Whip-smart, grieving fifteen- year-old whose dark sense of humor helps her cope with the loss of her mother, Emily. Lydia is unfazed by Beetlejuice’s antics and easily holds her own against both him and all things Netherworld.
Charles Deetz
Lydia’s father. He wants to help her get over the loss of her mother, although the ways he tries to “help” aren’t really what Lydia needs. Charles is under a lot of pressure between his concerns over Lydia, his secret relationship with Delia, his professional life, and his own grief (which he tries to ignore).
The dead guy of the hour! This titular character is zany, spooky, and absolutely hilarious. Though Beetlejuice exists in a morally gray area, he’s more of a trickster than a malevolent threat. He’s happy to align his interests with others, but ultimately, he’s looking out for himself.
Adam Maitland
Devoted husband of Barbara, just can’t catch a break. While life’s stresses were getting to him – renovation of the house, financial difficulties, and the decision about having a child – he certainly wasn’t ready for death.
Barbara Maitland
Barbara's stresses align with her husband’s, in life and death, although Barbara is a bit more adventurous than Adam. She is very kind but also strong-willed and a quick thinker. Barbara immediately bonds with Lydia.
Delia Schlimmer
Hopelessly (sometimes maniacally) optimistic. She believes fully in her guru, Otho, and considers herself a life coach, though underneath her façade she’s quite fragile and desperately wants to fit in with the Deetzes. Delia loves Charles and genuinely cares about Lydia’s well-being, even if her attempts to connect are
Maxie Dean
The business tycoon whom Charles hopes to impress.
Miss Argentina
Former beauty queen, greets the recently dead in the Netherworld. She leads “What I Know Now”.
Maxine Dean
Maxie's fourth (or fifth) wife.
Delia's guru and occasional exorsist.
Beetlejuice’s mother, runs the recently dead intake with an iron fist. She has “a voice like road tar” and no sympathy for anyone.
Includes the Priest, The Recently Deceased (Parachute Jumper, Death by Toaster, Dead Cheerleader, Death by Fireworks, Cigar Mobster, Dead Jockey, Machete Groom, Dead Drill Team, and Hunter with a Shrunken Head), Mourners, Movers (Mover #1, Mover #2), Lawyers, Girl Scouts, Caiter-Waiter, Beetlejuice Clones (Clone #1, Clone #2), Cheerleaders, Studio Audience, Sandworm
Casting is always a challenge. Although everyone can't be a lead, we try to ensure everyone is featured and has their moment. Cast lists will be emailed before the second rehearsal.
Please be familiar with all of the scripts. We will be asking everyone to read for as many characters as possible. If you don’t see the character you want to audition for, don’t worry! We will discuss it during the auditions.